My Legacy

Jan 19, 2024Uncategorized

I have often been asked if I ever dreamed CAMO – Central American Medical Outreach Inc. – would become what it is today. My answer is a clear “No.” Nor can I imagine what CAMO will be in ten years. What I do know is that the process of making a vision of the CAMO Model a reality has been a puzzle with a thousand pieces. Each piece is a human who has had a profound impact on CAMO. Every single one of them has been an important part of the emerging picture, and each of them taught me something. Without them CAMO – and I – would not be what or who we are today. When one piece of the puzzle is missing, the whole becomes much less than intended. To all the myriad people who have influenced my own journey and the successes of CAMO, I am deeply, deeply grateful that you were part of the grand puzzle.   Many things had to happen to lead me to this life. This blog will be a journey of glimpses of my life and journey.